  Creative Commons  Helps you share your knowledge and creativity with the world.
  Viducate   An initiative to promote video education across all educational sectors in Europe.
  MPEG Streamclip  Free Video Converter to get the right format.
  Internet Archive  A non-profit digital library offering free universal access to movies & music.
  the noun project  Symbols and visual language resourses
  Mondaynews  Art calls and deadlines for grants
  watchknowlearn  free educational videos. organised
  Video & Language learning MINI GUIDE  use video production as part of your teaching practise
  Creative Square Summer Camp  A Camp where to learn about audiovisual language
  Human Rights  Videos and more about Human Rights
  Pantalla Global CCCB  EDUCATIVE Resourses & more about screens
  OVNI - discover it!  OVNI - Obserservatori de Video no Identificat
  Creative Choices  Developing your career in the creative & cultural industries
  How to make a video - WIKIHOW  How to Make a Movie - easy steps explained   Recursos educatius audiovisuals en català
  Looking for Music?   royalty-free music for your videos - list of links
  No Entre Fee Fests  No Fee Festival Calls & Opportunities
  Online Video Contests  Find amazing opportunitues to spread your audiovisual creativity!
  Video Education Handout  EN. Basic principles of bringing video production into education
  Media Education Wales  Learn teaching film language
  Media Education Submit  summit for media education
  Media Education   bring media education into your classroom
  Making Movies Make Sense  media, film and moving image education resources
  GlogauAIR  Looking for an Residence where to delevolp your skills? Check out this one!
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